HACCP basic food hygiene training course

HACCP basic food hygiene training course delivered to the Public or in-house on request in Cork, Limerick, Galway, Dublin and Waterford and other locations across Ireland.

Our HACCP basic food hygiene training course will equip you with the following skills:

- intro to food safety

-food contamination

-food prepartion and cooking

- food storage

- cleaning


-pest control

Award from f.a.c

Course length half day

Location nationwide

Time 09:30 – 12:30

Our office

Leamlara, Co. Cork,

Blanchardstown, Co. Dublin.

Telephone: +353 (21) 239 8647
Telephone: +353 (01) 5549708

Email: firstaid@firstaidcoaching.ie

Email : faconline@firstaidcoaching.ie